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Showing posts with label girly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girly. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A birthday party she will never forget - You Are My Happy

I instantly fell in love with the colour combination of Teresa Collins' collection You Are My Happy - very very me!  I also wanted to try my hand at the uber trendy Pocket Scrapbooking that everyone seems to be doing.  My daughter turned 5 in March - and I have several photos from the party, but most of them turned out blurry and or poor lighting, so I decided to use the multiple photos and put together a few pocket pages.  I was so excited about this project, I bought the collection package of papers and nearly all of the embellishments!  So, my first task was to match up some ribbon and trim and flowers that will work with this collection.  I kept everything fairly simple, and didn't junk it up too much, I used Vintage Photo distress ink on the edges.

So, Lorena, do you like Pocket Scrapbooking?  I would say yes - it is a great way to scrap a heap of photos for a theme or event, it allows you to use many photos.  It reminds me of card making actually, filling all the little pockets with well balanced colour co-ordinated pieces.  What is the best part of working with a collection for pocket scrapbooking?  That the backs are already colour co-ordinated for you to continue to build your 'flip side' scrapping!

Tell me what you think of this collection .... tell me what you think of the pocket pages - is it something you have tried?  Are you thinking about trying it now that you have seen my first attempt?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cherry Tree double layout - featuring Kissing Booth

I have long since been a fan of Basic Grey - I would put them at the top of my list in paper companies.  However I must admit they have not had many lines in the past year that I have *Loved* but when I saw Kissing Booth I did love everything about this line.  Two tones of pink and brown, yes, my perfect combination for girly pages.  I am blessed to have both a daughter and a son, so I can go back and forth with the boy pages and the girl pages.  I have however been rightly accused of doing more pages of my daughter ... I think there are a few reasons for that:
  •  I love pink
  •  I love flowers - and while I still put flowers on my boy pages, I can go haul-ass crazy with them on a girl page.
  • My daughter is so much more photogenic than my son ... seriously she is a poser!
  • My daughter has been around longer - by 18 months :o)
Anyway, enough excuses, here is another pink layout featuring my daughter and myself.  We were both dressed in pink this day, and the cherry tree in a friend's yard was in full bloom, so we posed and had a mini photo shoot - it was a fantastic day.

Lesson learned on taking photos of your layouts on your Smart Phone though .... the photos are HORRIBLE - I photo shopped the crap out of these photos and they still turned out less than mediocre.

If you would like to see this layout in person, please visit Auntie Em's Scrapbooking in Cornwall!

Be kind and leave a comment.


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