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Showing posts with label ray gun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ray gun. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

Steampunk - still staying crafty

My new obsession recently has been Steampunk (check out my Pinterest board here - its become very popular with over 345 followers to date - - I've always loved the look of a steampunk page or mini-album, but had never thought much about dressing up in a handmade costume or Cosplay until the last few months.  So, I've been scouring Value Village (thrift store) and up-cycling everything I could find, digging out the trinkets and gears that I've been collecting for my scrapbook pages (but never used) and put together some items. 

First it was the Ray Guns - which are simply dollar store water guns with a metallic paint job!  I started with a coat of black gesso (ensure to dry very well between layers) and then used Rub 'N Buff which is a waxy metallic paint, to dry rub onto the guns, I followed up with a layer of water based Varathane to seal the paint layers from chipping off the plastic - (which it did a lot).  Lesson learned, seal everything!

Then I moved onto goggles, because goggles are the staple of any Steampunk attire, I used the same process for covering up the hideous fluorescent coloured plastic that seems to be very "in" right now in any children's swimming accessory. I used again dollar store items, this time swimming goggles.  Same steps; gesso followed by Rub 'N Buff and Varathane.  Then I replaced the rubber straps with leather (or in my case leatherette).

I made my daughter's vest with the same leatherette.  Their outfits I will tweak a little before their next wearing.  But they we all did get to show off our outfits at an Ottawa event called "Steampunk at the Beach"  it was our first Cosplay outing, and we were well received into the group.  We will be attending the Geek Market in October, and I will have the costumes completed, and hope to have some photos to share.

The last photo is of my hat, you may remember that flower and feather combination? It was one of the fascinators that I made for my daughter's Tea Party birthday party, I simply tied it onto the hat with some lace - I'll make it more Steampunky later, but for the beach event, it worked.

So, let me know what you think of the projects, more photos will follow later.

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